For the past several weeks the humanitarian community has been closely monitoring the short season deyr rain areas in Somali Region in the hopes of some improvement from the rainfall delay which is now Photo: Hugo Raemi (OCHA -Eth)
reaching two months.
In some areas, showers have been received, but either not substantial enough or in the neediest areas to provide significant water relief. Presently there are 2.6 million people (out of the total population of the region of 3.5 million) in the zones that receive deyr rains, but no firm figures on the number of people in need or number of livestock or people concentrating in the affected areas. Full Document u
For more information on the current crisis, kindly review the downloadable field report:
Summary Report on Rapid Assessment Conducted in the Somali region (27 November - 3 December). (downloadable) UN OCHA-Ethiopia has compiled a list of NGOs active in Somali region and their corresponding interventions.