Meher Prospects in Tigray and Welo
Good harvests anticipated:- Outlines the main season harvest prospects in these traditionally food insecure regions of northern Ethiopia. Prepared by Joachim D. Ahrens, Senior Field Officer and Yves Guinand, Field Officer.
 20 – 30 September 1998.

Eastern Amhara and South Tigray
Field trip report prepared by Ralph Klingele, UNDP Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia field officer. The report describes the impact of the unseasonable rains in October/November and comments on the start to this year’s belg season. 

Eastern Amhara Region and South Tigray Zone: 9 - 18 December 1997
Prepared by Ralph Klingele & Admassu Haile Yesus, UNDP-EUE Field officers.




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