Field Trip Report to Welayita area - North Omo: 31 August - 5 September 1997, Prepared by Ralph Klingele.  UNDP-EUE Field Officer, 10 September 1997.

Field Trip report Walayita area & Kemba  wereda North Omo  by Ralph Klingele UNDP\EUE Field officer. June 1997.

Field Trip Report to the former Wolayita Awraja in North Omo - prepared by Admassu Haile Yesus,  UNDP/EUE Field Officer. April 1997.

Current Situation in Wolayita : Desk study information obtained at headquarter level from NGOs operating in the area; prepared by Admassu Haile Yesus, Field Officer. April 1997.

Response to drought related problems in the southern areas of Ethiopia : Prepared by Joachim D. Ahrens, Field Officer. April 1997. 

Field Trip Report to Welayita and North Omo : April 1997;  A report based on the recent  field trip undertaken to these vulnerable zones of the southern region. Prepared by Ralph Klingele, EUE Field officer.

Summary of Rainfall Information - Southern areas of Ethiopia. Prepared by Jim Borton, on the basis of field assessments and other observations.

Kefa - the Cradel of Coffee: A Situation Report on the Western Zones of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State; a  report on the current situation in Keficho-Shekicha and Bench-Maji zones of SNNPRS, this report complements the mission report (above) on the weredas of North Omo zone; prepared by EUE Field Officer, Joachim Ahrens. 13 - 18 January 1997.

Field Trip Report to North Omo Zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State: a brief report on the general situation in the most vulnerable weredas of North Omo zone, relief requirements and the post-harvest situation; prepared by EUE Field Officer, Admassu, H/Yesus. January 1997.



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