1. How do you normally receive copies of OCHA publications? by e-mail by post delivered at office website other
2. What do you understand OCHA’s role to be within the United Nations and the humanitarian community? Emergency response coordination Information gatherer and distributor Whistleblower Advocacy and external relations Policy Development All of the above Comments
3. Do you believe OCHA fulfills this role satisfactorily? always usually sometimes rarely never Why? 4. What are the needs of your organization and does OCHA help you in meeting them? Comments
5. How can OCHA better serve you? Comments 6. Which OCHA publications do you normally receive? Relief Bulletin Focus on Ethiopia Field Assessment Reports Special Reports
7. Do you find these reports and publications useful and informative? always usually sometimes rarely never Explain?
8. Is the information appropriate to your needs? always usually sometimes rarely never Explain?
9. Are copies sent to your head office? always usually sometimes rarely never For what reason?
10. Do you use the information in these publications for your own reports? always usually sometimes rarely never Why?
11. How many staff do you have working in your office? 1-3 4-10 10-25 25-50 50+ 12. How many people in your office do you think see these publications? 1-3 4-10 10-25 25-50 50+
13. Generally do you find these publications/reports to be: Relevant? always usually sometimes rarely never Too technical? always usually sometimes rarely never Too long? always usually sometimes rarely never Well written? always usually sometimes rarely never Timely? always usually sometimes rarely never Accurate? always usually sometimes rarely never Comments
14. Do you access our web site at if yes, how regularly? daily weekly monthly rarely never Comments
Specific questions about Focus on Ethiopia
1. What additional information would you like to see in Focus on Ethiopia? Comments
2. Is the timing of this publication (last week of the month) appropriate for your needs? always usually sometimes rarely never Explain?
Specific questions about the Field Assessment Reports
1. To the best of your knowledge, do these reports accurately reflect the current situation in the area covered? always usually sometimes rarely never Explain?
2. What additional types of information in the Field Reports would be relevant to your organization? charts regional specific information recommendations action plans more analysis Explain?
Additional questions 1. Have you ever used other services of OCHA such as its online archive section or its in-house library and information facilities? always usually sometimes rarely never Explain?
2. How have you found this service? or is this a service you would be likely to use now that you are aware of its existence? Explain? 3.What information would you most likely search for? Explain? 4. Would you like OCHA to bring together key stakeholders for fora/symposia when an issue needs further development? always usually sometimes rarely never Explain? 5. Please add any further comments you think relevant : Comments To be completed by 26 March 2004.