

Update on Emergency Food Requirement from August to December 2005

Flash Update to the Appeal

May, 2005

"The mission of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors in order to: i) alleviate human suffering in disasters and emergencies; ii) advocate for the rights of people in need; iii) promote preparedness and prevention; and iv) facilitate sustainable solutions."




19 December 2005

De-Briefing of Multi-Agency Assessment

This week, teams from the multi-agency meher emergency needs assessment for Tigray, Amhara, SNNP and Oromiya regions presented their main findings. In general, the food security outlook for 2006 is estimated to be positive in most crop growing areas of the country and is better than previously thought due to an overall good performance of meher rains. Positive trends were noted in land preparation, yield estimates, and pasture and water availability in most areas. The onset and cessation of rains was mostly on time. However, in important pocket areas of the country, below normal and/or erratic rainfall, extended dry-spells or adverse weather conditions and pests have reduced harvest prospects and may impact the food security situation later in 2006.

Humanitarian Coordination Meeting in Somali Region
In Jijiga,
a humanitarian coordination meeting for Somali Region was held on 13 December to discuss the current situation in the region. The main issue was the current humanitarian situation in view of the below-normal performance of the on-going deyr season. It also looked at key issues that require close follow up and assistances such as water, food security and livestock. The meeting recommended the regional DPPB to prepare a multi-sectoral response plan to facilitate a possible humanitarian response and to request the federal government to conduct nutritional surveys. Cont.

 New Cases of Measles Reported in Afar
The Afar
Regional Health Bureau reported 12 deaths and 52 cases of measles in Telalak woreda in zone five of the region. To date, a total of 304 cases of measles have been reported from Gambella, Afar and Oromiya (East Hararghe) regions. UNICEF is preparing to launch an appeal for US$ 9 million to conduct measles campaigns in the first and fourth quarters of the coming year in high risk areas of the country.

WV Conducts Nutritional Surveys in two Woredas of Kembata Tembaro Zone in SNNPR
World Vi
sion (WV) conducted nutritional surveys in Kedida Gamela and Omo Sheleko woredas of Kembata Tembaro zone in SNNPR in mid November 2005. The survey revealed 4.6% GAM and 0.6% SAM with 1.2 U5MR /10,000/day in Kedida Gamela and 7.5% GAM, 1.0% SAM, with 1.0 U5MR/10,000/day in Omo Sheleko woredas. Fever and diarrhea were among the main causes of death of under-five children in the woredas. Cont.

CARE Situation Update
CARE in its monthly update reports a normal food security situation in most of its reporting woredas due to the ongoing food distribution through Safety Net and emergency programmes. However, due to the significant estimated production shortfall of main crops, the food security prospect is expected to decline, particularly in the lowland belts of East and West Hararghe.
Even though there have been improvements in the food security condition of Grawa and Bedeno woredas, admissions to the Community based Therapeutic Centres (CTC) have continued but at a lower rate. Cont.

Normal Nutritional Condition in Kuni Woreda, Oromiya Region
AL conducted a rapid nutritional survey in Kuni woreda, West Hararghe zone, Oromiya Region from 1-5 December and reports 7.5% GAM and 0.6% SAM with 0.64/10,000/day U5MR. The result is considered normal as vaccination and supplementation rate for children under-five were improved from the previous survey (February 2005). Cont.

























Updated on 19 December 2005

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