Species Name
Local Name(s)
Quancha (Agonia)
General description Sorghum-like grain (no plant description available). Sowing in June - July. Harvest in September. The plant is semi-domesticated.
Edible part(s), preparation methods and palatability
Seeds are edible. The seeds have to be threshed sifted and ground. The obtained flour can be used to bake flat bread locally named 'kita'. 'Quancha' is considered as an inferior crop because it does not taste good. Therefore it is only collected, cultivated and consumed when other foodstuff is scarce, i.e. in food shortage periods.
Found in lowlands of the Tekeze River water shed.
Propagation Method(s)
Propagates by seeds and wildlings.
Sample location (s) Siska Kebele, Zequala Woreda (Wag Hamra)
Left over seed cover and stalks are eaten by livestock.
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