Scientific name
Ficus sp. (sur, sycomorus)1
Family name
Local name(s)
Hilteetaa (Konsogna)
General description
(F. sur) A large tree often strongly buttressed to 20m and up to 150cm in diameter. (F. sycomorus) A large semi-deciduous spreading tree to 25m, sometimes with stem buttressed and the base commonly spreading over the ground. (see also descriptions given in Bekele-Tesemma et al., 1993: p. 248 - 251)
Edible part(s), preparation methods and palatability
There are many Ficus species of which the fruits are edible and most are also very tasty. Figs contain sugers, are rich in calcium and phosphorus, some contain vitamin A, B and fat. Leaves are rich in minerals, especially iron, and are good source of protein. For most of the Ficus species the rule is that normally children eat the fruits and when there is food shortage, adults would also consume them if available. The fruits are picked and consumed raw. For F. sur some people in Eastern Tigray add salt to the fruit. In Eastern Tigray farmers stated there are two different varieties; for the first variety fruits ripen 3x a year (Oct, Jan, June) and for the other fruits ripen twice (Jan & June). Too much consumption causes stomachaches.
(F. sur) Found along river banks, in upland rain forest, mountain grassland or secondary scrub in moist and wet midlands, 1,400 - 2,500m. (F. sycomorus) Found along rivers and lake margins, in wood lands and wooded grasslands, evergreen bushlands, forest edges and forest clearings in moist and wet midlands (500 - 2,000m) all over Ethiopia.
Propagation method(s)
(F. sur & F. sycomorus) cuttings.
Sample location(s)
(1) Jarso Kebele, Konso; (2) Siska Kebele, Zequala Woreda (Wag Hamra); (3) Dible Seat Kebele, Ganta Afesum Woreda (Eastern Tigray)
Ficus tree species are usually multipurpose including part for medicinal use and soil improvement.
1 Parts of the following description have been taken from Bekele-Tesemma et al., 1993: p. 248 - 251
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